Friday, April 8, 2011

Government needs to SHUT UP and not SHUT DOWN!

A government shutdown is nothing more than the politricks of narrow minded representatives who solely support their views only.  I'm not sure why these jokers are playing with the lives of decent hardworking people who have just survived the "great recession".  How do you reform entitlements that benefit seniors in a way that the benefit will remain without further hurting those who bore the burden of building this country.

I must be undeniably clear that I support the rights of the unborn and believe that all life is precious.  I am so mad at the "child's play" that occurs when practical ways of living are jeopardized by foolishness.  Who's kidding who? None on them in Washington live on the streets of Buffalo, New York or in the heart of urban centers who by (their doing) must rely upon the federal government to survive, be employed or have some measure of quality of life! 

Poor people, the underemployed and unemployed are always the victims of the elitist fight in Congress. If the business of government shuts down then the employees of government (politicians) should not be paid and be given pink slips! Do they understand that it was the "people with all the money" who allowed oil to spill in the gulf for months? The people with cancer, currently in cancer trials will lose participation and treatment, no biggie; that's just affecting 25,000 people.  FDA, no problem--given a looming terrorist threat, we'll allow the opportunity to taint the American food supply.

The government in the words of one of the characters on the now syndicated HBO show the WIRE, "just need to shut up" because the more they talk; the more they look absolutely stupid, and, the electorate should feel equally as dumb for voting for representatives whose only job is to derail the current presidency to return to the idiocy of the past administration. The "New America" wants to protect the unborn but build prisons for the poor unborn to protect their livelihood. They want to undo "Obama care" but cut funding to access care or primary physicians for the poor. Their idea in this "New America" is to overload emergency rooms as primary care providers and remove funding for the poor elderly that forces closure of nursing homes.  All while they continue to fund wars abroad, remove regulations that guard us from reckless banking practices, environmentally unsafe conditions and bust up unions who protect the rights of working families. 

A government shutdown may be a good thing; provided that they shutdown the "Cadillac health coverage" of congress memembers; shutdown the loop holes given to millionaires while working people grovel to make ends meet; shutdown their access to lobbyist and to unlimited campaign contributions designed to smear a decent president whose only managed the world's crisis in the last three years.  Shutdown? How about Shut up!

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